
Info from monthly meeting with the company in June 2018


The INFO deals with the OD, courses for medics, dispute at Intergrator, Resource Pool Innovator, Workload Electricians / ETs and agreement Inspirer.
Resource Pool Innovator
We have received some questions about wages and working conditions for this group, so we will elaborate as follows:
The individual is only supposed to be available for the employer during the working hours of the rotation allocated. This means 16 days including the two flexible days with Wednesday as a starting point.
Of course, the individual must assume that there may be changes when changing from their regular fixed rotation to a new rotation within the group, as well as when leaving the group again, at latest by the end of November. This part will be settled as "lost leisure time" under the agreement, which amounts to 4 hours overtime compensation per lost day off. 
Otherwise, the individual is not supposed to be called out for work outside of the 16 days mentioned, but if you are requested start working before the regular rotation or if you are requested if willing to take on extra hitches, you may either say no thank you, or claim overtime compensation for the extra time worked.

Operator Drilling
We fully understand that there is some unrest and some impatience on the matter regarding the wages for the Operator Drilling position. This takes time, but we must first try to solve it locally and if we do not agree we have the opportunity to bring the case before the Fixed Position Committee. 

AMLS and PHTLS course for medics
The case has let rested, pending the company, in collaboration with the company health service, should evaluate other ways of arranging the course. But there was no alternative solution, and the company maintains that the preparatory studies must be done during the working hours offshore. The MAF will look some more into the matter and bring it to the table at the next meeting in July.

Dispute on overtime compensation for crew meetings on Integrator
The dispute was withdrawn and the company will pay for accrued time in this case, but they state that it will not be compensated for additional time beyond 30 minutes for these meetings, unless agreed with the management in advance.

Workload for Electricians and ET 
This case is not present just in our forum in SMFM, it has also been discussed for a long time in S-AMU as a working environment case. Through S-AMU, it has now been agreed that a new Pool of 4 Electricians will be established, dedicated exclusively to deal with earth-faults and Ex-maintenance.
MAF, of course, is very pleased that more electricians are recruited to alleviate the pressure that lies on the El-department. However, we are still uncertain if this is enough to keep the pressure down at an acceptable level, especially considering whether it is enough to remove all earth-faults that occur within a reasonable period of time. Just because of this, we would rather see that more electricians are hired to work on the rigs, so specially earth-faults and other critical failures may be mended as soon as possible as they arise. MAF will continue to follow up the case and the case will also not be closed in S-Amu, where there is still a requirement for an analysis of the workload in the Technical Department on a general basis. However, the scope of the analysis is not finally decided. 

Agreement for Inspirer
Work has been made on an agreement that will govern up-manning of Inspirer. Manning in DK, transit, yardstay at Hanøytangen (Bergen) and the stay at shipyard in Egersund. This agreement is not signed yet, but it will be in a short period of time. As soon as everything is cleared, we will submit the the result on our website.

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