The executive committee (AU)

frode larsen

Frode Larsen

Union leader

+47 993 29 100

Part of the executive commitee. Full-time position onshore.

j%c3%b8rn behrsin hansen

Jørn B. Hansen

Deputy union leader

+45 408 22 868

Part of the executive committee. Full-time positon onshore. MAF's representative in S-AMU.

b%c3%a5r i pedersen

Bår Inge Pedersen

Union general secretary

+47 900 33 560

Part of the executive committee. Full-time position onshore.

frode sell

Frode Sell

Deputy union leader offshore, Insurance shop steward

+47 922 68 522

Part of the executive committee. ODR on Maersk Invincible.

odd richard kollstad

Odd Richard Kollstad

Deputy union leader offshore, Insurance shop steward

+47 916 14 748

Part of the executive committee. Maintenance engineer on Maersk Invincible.

Kort presentasjon av MAF sitt AU:

Union leader Frode Larsen has a leave of absence from his position as eletrician, and is now working full time onshore.
Deputy union leader Jørn B. Hansen has a leave of absence form his position as eletrician, and is now working full time onshore.
Union general secretary Bår Inge Pedersen has a leave of absence from his position as rig administrator, and is now working full time onshore.

Deputy union leader Frode Sell works offshore.

Deputy union leader Finn Boserup works offshore.

Other relevant info:
The club has employed office secretary Elisabeth Brekke in a full position. She is present at the MAF office on a daily basis.
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